цепная таль с низким запасом хода 5 тонн продана в Нидерланды

ГлавнаяГалерея Кейсов → 5 tons low headroom chain hoist sold to the Netherlands

цепная таль с низким запасом хода 5 тонн продана в Нидерланды

This is an order for a 5-ton electric chain hoist from the Нидерланды in 2019. Through communication with customers, we determined the solution of using low-headroom electric chain hoists with a lifting height of 7 meters and two speeds. The atlas shows the picture of the electric hoist in the crane factory. Eventually we ship to the Netherlands by sea.

Compared with ordinary electric hoists, the электрическая лебедка с низким запасом хода shortens the distance of 40-50 cm, which effectively improves the actual lifting height in low-rise workshops, and solves the problem of insufficient lifting height on site. Moreover, the electric hoist motor is insulated. High level, high safety factor, can carry out normal lifting work in normal temperature and high temperature environment.

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