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All About Overhead Crane Operation Safety Tips

Operating an overhead crane with proper safety measures is critical. The operator of the overhead crane is always anxious about the people near the machine when working. For any little mistake, the ultimately heavy crane can injure or disable people below it. It can also cause death to the victim of an overhead crane mishap. So, to be safe while working with overhead cranes, training must be given to the operators.

Here, we will discuss some tips to safely handle an overhead crane to avoid mishaps and accidents.

An Overhead Crane is much heavier than we can imagine. The weight is so high that it can collapse any building if it falls on it. An overhead crane is very accident prone because of the stupendous handling. If the operator makes any mistake, it can cause terrible damage to nearby people and buildings. So, proper training and tips are required to operate an overhead crane safely.

Apart from the operator, the people nearby the working area of the overhead crane should be cautious. They should maintain the necessary distance from the crane, as suggested by the working personnel. Maintaining proper safety measures can lower the chances of accidents.

Where is an overhead crane required?

In this era of industries and high buildings, tower crane is the most required machine for building sky-high buildings, goliath cranes for bridges, EOT Cranes for industrial spaces, and whatnot. The machine is needed for heavy lifting, lowering a load, and moving large blocks of material pieces horizontally. It is used in places where the weight is too heavy to lift for human strength or too high to climb up. An overhead crane is very convenient as it can move things up-down and forward-backwards.

Safety tips for operating the overhead crane

The tips and tricks are essential to know before using an overhead crane. The tips are to be thoroughly followed and maintained. Go through the following basic tips to operate the overhead crane safely,

  • A visual inspection is the first step of handling an overhead crane
  • Check for the different parts of the crane. If damaged, don’t operate it.
  • Inspect the site of function and get a knowledge of possible damages for any mistake. If congested, vacant the area and building before operating.
  • Each load needs different slings according to the weight
  • Select the proper sling for each load. Inspect the slings for damages. The slings and riggings are to be inspected for stretches and defects. A defected or torn down sling is prohibited from use.
  • Make sure the corners have softer slings
  • It is because hard slings at corners can break, and broken slings are dangerous to use.
  • Designate a single signaler to the operator
  • Ensure no other people disturb the operator or give any signal to the operator other than a stop signal.
  • The signaler should maintain a clear agreed-upon signal to the operator. A signaler can also use a wire connection. But make sure the operator and signaler are familiar with the signal languages used by each other.

Some other essential overhead crane operation safety tips

  • Make sure the overhead crane is suitable for the planned task. Check the capacity of the crane for lifting, travelling.
  • Check if the site’s area and roads are free from blockages for the overhead crane’s large space.
  • Confirm the target load. Check if the overhead crane is capable of lifting, travel, hoist the target load. Do not engage the crane if the capacity is exceeded.
  • Stability is to be checked before the engagement of work.
  • Confirm the stabilizers are fully deployed and safe to use.
  • The rigging of the overhead crane is to be checked for any damages or disorientations before use.
  • Ensure all the machines and other equipment are in destined places.
  • Before starting, warn all people nearby, including the working personnel. Ensure the path of lifting is clear of persons and other obstructions.
  • Centre the overhead crane hoist on the load. This will prevent over-swinging during the lift.
  • Carefully glide the sling completely onto the lifting hoist and check if the latch is closed. The sling should not be hammered or tipped while loading.
  • The load should be tightly attached to the sling. Any loose material on the load would be dangerous to hoist.
  • Step away from the sling after taking out the slack, and the lift is started. Make sure your hands and fingers are not trapped in the slack.
  • Try to minimize the swing by moving the load smoothly. This process will be more secure if the lift is not too high from the ground while moving.
  • The load should be raised as low as possible. No people should be allowed to ride the load or hook.
  • Slide the load from the hook. Do not push or pull it.
  • Do not leave the load suspended and unattended.
  • After use, store the slings in clean and dry places, hung on hooks.

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