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Мостовые краны, также известные как мостовые краны, являются одним из видов погрузочно-разгрузочного оборудования, отвечающего требованиям к грузоподъемности в средней и тяжелой промышленности. Как правило, мостовой кран - это кран с подъемной талью, перемещающийся по тростниковому мосту между параллельными взлетно-посадочными полосами.

Как китайский поставщик кранов, предоставляющий крановые услуги по всему миру, Dongqi может обеспечить индивидуальное проектирование, производство, установку и послепродажное обслуживание различных типов мостовых кранов. В зависимости от конструкции его можно разделить на однобалочные мостовые краны и двухбалочные мостовые краны, а также на обычные мостовые краны, взрывозащищенные мостовые краны, металлургические мостовые краны, грейферные мостовые краны и электромагнитные мостовые краны в зависимости от их назначения.

10 tons European electric wire rope hoist and 10 tons MD electric wire rope hoist are sold to Haiti

This is the electric hoist order from Haiti in 2020. The customer customized 2 sets of European electric wire rope hoists and 4 sets of MD type double-speed electric wire rope hoists from our crane fa[...]

1 ton and 2 ton electric chain hoists are sold to the Philippines

This is the electric hoist order from the Philippines in 2020. The customer customized electric chain hoists with a lifting capacity of 1 ton and 2 tons from our crane factory, of which the 1 ton elec[...]

MD type 10 tons electric wire rope hoist is sold to Uzbekistan

This is an order for electric hoists to be sold to Uzbekistan in 2020. The order includes a set of MD electric wire rope hoists with a lifting capacity of 10 tons. The atlas shows some details of the [...]

3 tons of electric chain hoist sold to Brazil

This is an order for electric hoists to be sold to Brazil in 2020. The customer customized this set of electric chain hoists from our crane factory with a lifting weight of 3 tons and a lifting height[...]

Stationary double speed 3 ton electric chain hoist is sold to India

This is the order for electric chain hoist sold to India in 2020. The customer customized 1 set of fixed two-speed electric chain hoist from our crane factory, with a lifting weight of 3 tons and a li[...]

LD type 2 tons electric single girder overhead crane sold to Cyprus

This is the order for overhead cranes from Cyprus in 2020. The customer customized a set of LD electric single-girder overhead crane from our crane factory, with a lifting weight of 2 tons, a lifting [...]

на Филиппины продано 3 тонны стационарных электрических цепных подъемников

This is the electric hoist order from the Philippines in 2020. The customer purchased 1 set of electric chain hoist from our crane factory with a lifting weight of 3 tons and a lifting height of 8 met[...]

4 sets of 10+10 tons hoist sold to the Philippines

This is the hoist order from the Philippines in 2020. The customer customized 4 sets of 10+10 ton hoist from our crane factory, the rope length is 10 meters. The atlas shows some details of the order [...]

Two sets of rigid KBK cranes are sold to the United States

Here are the 2020 orders for overhead cranes sold to the US. The customer customized 2 sets of 1 ton rigid KBK cranes from our crane factory with a track running length of 22.86 meters. The atlas show[...]

MD 16t electric wire rope hoist is sold to Cambodia

This is the order of electric hoist from Cambodia in 2020. The customer purchased this MD type 16t electric wire rope hoist from our crane factory. The atlas shows some details of the electric hoist i[...]

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