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Мостовые краны, также известные как мостовые краны, являются одним из видов погрузочно-разгрузочного оборудования, отвечающего требованиям к грузоподъемности в средней и тяжелой промышленности. Как правило, мостовой кран - это кран с подъемной талью, перемещающийся по тростниковому мосту между параллельными взлетно-посадочными полосами.

Как китайский поставщик кранов, предоставляющий крановые услуги по всему миру, Dongqi может обеспечить индивидуальное проектирование, производство, установку и послепродажное обслуживание различных типов мостовых кранов. В зависимости от конструкции его можно разделить на однобалочные мостовые краны и двухбалочные мостовые краны, а также на обычные мостовые краны, взрывозащищенные мостовые краны, металлургические мостовые краны, грейферные мостовые краны и электромагнитные мостовые краны в зависимости от их назначения.

3 ton and 5 ton European-spec Electric Wire Rope Hoist for sale to Pakistan

We fulfilled 1 order of NR European Electric Hoist from Pakistan. The customer customized 1 set of 3-ton electric wire rope hoist and 1 set of 5-ton electric wire rope hoist. The main structural mater[...]

Photo of 1 ton electric chain hoist sent to Jamaica

This electric chain hoist order is a customer from Jamaica in 2019. Electric chain hoist is one of the important lifting products of Dongqi Lifting. We finished production within half a month. Before [...]

3 тонны электрической цепной тали отправлены из Китая в Доминиканскую Республику

This electric chain hoist order came from the Dominican Republic in 2019. We completed the customer's order within half a month and sent it to Dominica by sea within a very short time.

Портативный Козловой кран грузоподъемностью 1 тонна для продажи в Пакистан

We have completed 1 order of 1 ton gantry crane from Pakistan, this is a 1 ton Portable Gantry Crane, precision parts and welded components are installed in alignment, easy to operate and stable in pe[...]

Photo of 2 ton electric chain hoist sold to the Philippines

This order is from the Philippines in 2019. Customers get in touch with us through the website, after the production is completed, and after passing the quality inspection, we ship from Qingdao port t[...]

10 тонн редуктора электрической лебедки отправлено в Саудовскую Аравию

This is 1 order for electric hoist reducer sent to Saudi Arabia. We have many old customers in Saudi Arabia. After our product quality is recognized by customers, many spare parts will be purchased fr[...]

5 ton Trolley-type Electric Chain Hoist for sale to Brazil

We have completed an order for an electric chain hoist from Brazil. The order is a 5 ton trolley type electric chain hoist. After the production of all parts in the crane factory in China, it is final[...]

Photo of 1 ton electric chain hoist sent to Kenya

This is an electric hoist order in 2019, the customer is from Kenya, we will send the picture of the electric chain hoist to the customer before shipment from the crane factory. For each crane order, [...]

0.5 ton electric chain hoist sent to Italy

The order was completed in 2019. The customer contacted us through the website. After all the parts of the electric chain hoist were produced in the crane factory in China, they were shipped to Italy [...]

3 ton Electric Chain Hoist with Manual Trolley for sale to Suriname

We completed an order for 3 ton electric chain hoist with manual trolley from Suriname. The chain of the electric chain hoist can be safely used in the electric environment, such as rainwater, seawate[...]

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