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Мостовые краны, также известные как мостовые краны, являются одним из видов погрузочно-разгрузочного оборудования, отвечающего требованиям к грузоподъемности в средней и тяжелой промышленности. Как правило, мостовой кран - это кран с подъемной талью, перемещающийся по тростниковому мосту между параллельными взлетно-посадочными полосами.

Как китайский поставщик кранов, предоставляющий крановые услуги по всему миру, Dongqi может обеспечить индивидуальное проектирование, производство, установку и послепродажное обслуживание различных типов мостовых кранов. В зависимости от конструкции его можно разделить на однобалочные мостовые краны и двухбалочные мостовые краны, а также на обычные мостовые краны, взрывозащищенные мостовые краны, металлургические мостовые краны, грейферные мостовые краны и электромагнитные мостовые краны в зависимости от их назначения.

Low headroom electric wire rope hoist installed at new factory in the Philippines

Low headroom electric hoists are popular in many factories due to their small duty cycle. Installing a low-headroom electric hoist in an old factory can be well adapted to the limited working environm[…]

Мостовые краны, используемые на заводах по ремонту транспортных средств в Пакистане

Double girder overhead cranes are widely used in various heavy machinery factories. With the popularity of public transport, how to maintain public transport has become the focus of Pakistani vehicle […]

Truss Gantry Crane Applied in Pakistan Bridge Construction

The truss gantry crane is a very special crane. Due to its special design, it is not easy to be collapsed by the wind, and it is very convenient to transport and disassemble. These characteristics mak[…]

UAE Plastic Products Factory Customized 10 ton Overhead Crane

Various types of cranes are used in the production process of the plastics industry to help improve work efficiency. Under normal circumstances, which types of cranes will plastic factories customize?[…]

Application of 20 ton overhead crane in Pakistan power plant

Cranes have a wide range of applications in the power industry. In addition to lifting coal and other energy sources for power generation equipment, they can also provide assistance for the maintenanc[…]

Application of overhead cranes in Pakistan’s construction machinery industry

The construction machinery industry is a complex industry. According to the different products manufactured, the demand for cranes in the factory workshop is also different. Today we share an order fr[…]

Application of stage electric hoist in the Philippines

The stage dedicated electric hoist belongs to chain electric hoist, also called stage rigging. Stage electric hoist is in strict accordance with the tour, the exhibition requirements of design and pr[…]

20 ton overhead crane used in Pakistan environmental protection equipment factory

Overhead cranes are widely used in various factories. Recently we completed a crane order from Pakistan’s environmental protection equipment factory. The customer customized a series of overhead[…]

Application of electric chain hoist in aluminum alloy bridge production line

Abstract: Briefly introduce the application of 500kg electric chain hoist in the aluminum alloy bridge production line. It is equipped with an I-beam structure to make a monorail crane. Based on the e[…]

UAE customers customized 1 ton chain hoist

The chain hoist has a wide range of applications as an excellent hoist. In addition to being used with overhead cranes or jib cranes, it can also be used alone as a light lifting device to provide ser[…]

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