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Fact Sheet No.5:Crane Components That Can Improve Safety,Reliability,and Maintenance

This is the fifth in a series of Fact Sheets developed by the Crane, Hoist and Monorail Alliance concerningapplications and operation of overhead material handling equipment. Depending on the individu[…]

CMAA Crane Safety Conference Provides Education and Professional Development

The CMAA Crane Safety Conference, held Wednesday April 11, 2019 at ProMat, was attended by over 50 industry professionals who were trained on crane safety and design topics. A speaker from OSHA’[…]

Overhead crane system gives worker health a lift

Heavy lifting on the production floor always invites back injuries, but when the rate of such maladies nears 30%, there are serious implications for worker morale, not to mention lost productivity and[…]

End Users Put CMAA Crane Operator’s Manual Guidance Into Practice

Industry professionals using overhead crane for material handling are continuing to use the Crane Operator’s Manual to support lifting operations. The manual is Specification No. 79 from the leading[…]

Do you have these questions for crane manufacturers?

When you work with a crane builder to choose overhead crane and hoist equipment for your facility, you’re in the driver’s seat. Crane manufacturers have a wealth of knowledge and resources to help[…]

How to enhance a standard hoist & crane

ENHANCE YOUR STANDARD HOIST FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE AND LIFESPAN It isn’t often that two companies need identical cranes. Even if the overall application is the same, the physical environment around[…]

What is traveling inverter control?

What is traveling inverter control? Traveling inverter control methods have replaced traditional 2-speed contactor controls for the trolley and bridge motions on overhead bridge cranes. In the overhea[…]

How to maximize hook coverage

What is Hook Coverage? Hook coverage, or working span, is the area that the hook of your crane can reach. It covers all three motions of the hook the in x, y and z dimensions, from the coverage area o[…]

What is lockout – tagout procedure

Lockout-tagout Policies and Procedures Covered by OSHA 1910.147, lockout-tagout protects workers from hazardous energy during overhead crane repair and other machine and equipment service. Lockout in[…]

3 essential steps to minimize downtime at your facility

Downtime is one of the biggest operational costs a facility endures. Unexpected maintenance and minor equipment problems not only cause profit loss, but also increase property risk and reduce worker a[…]

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