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3 Ton Outdoor Small Workshop Mobile Gantry Crane A Frame Gantry Crane for sale in price $4999

1 посты
1 users
Reputable Member
Присоединился: 2 года назад
Сообщения: 110
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The recent price of this козловой кран весом 3 тонны sold to Вьетнам is around $4999. This gantry crane is a переносной козловой кран with strong adaptability to the working environment, and can usually be used in work scenarios such as Hotels, Garment Shops, Building Material Shops, Machinery Repair Shops, Manufacturing Plant, Food&Beverage Factory, Food Shop, Printing Shops, Construction Works, Energy&Mining, Food&Beverage Shops, etc. If you plan to purchase a 3-ton gantry crane, you can check the detailed information of our gantry crane.

Small gantry is mainly used in the lifting operations of small and medium-sized enterprises and the occasions where individual space is narrow and not suitable for large-scale lifting equipment. The small gantry provides great convenience for customers who frequently transfer site operations, and also reduces the manpower and time for installation.






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