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500kg-5000kg Adjustable height rapid aluminum alloy mini portable mini portable gantry crane price

1 посты
1 users
(@эмили йоханссон)
Уважаемый Член Клуба
Присоединился: 2 года назад
Сообщения: 53
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This highly adjustable aluminum alloy переносной козловой кран has a maximum lifting capacity of 5 tons. The current sales price is between $3600 and $5200. If you are planning to purchase a козловой кран весом 5 тонн, you can consult me for the price. Our gantry crane is sold globally, with the best sales in Сингапур and followed by Вьетнам. Among Vietnamese customers, our brand and reputation are both good. You can consult friends or online forums for information about our brand


* Compatibility: All aluminum construction that is lightweight, portable, easy transport, easy assembly *Quality Design: Light duty alloy aluminum is strong yet easy to move around;

*Supremely large lifting power of 5 tons * Convenient: Cost effective for areas with infrequent lifts; Easily collapsible; Adjustable height * Dimensions: Max and min height: 8 ft. – 12 ft.; 102” long; Weight: 370 lb; * Usage: Wheel over heavy objects and lower hook from crane to lift; Objects can be slid across the track as needed

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