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Double Girder 5t Semi Gantry Crane With Double Hook And Remote Control In Factory Price For Sale

1 посты
1 users
Уважаемый Член Клуба
Присоединился: 2 года назад
Сообщения: 49
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Our company can provide various types of 5-тонные козловые краны, such as 5-ton semi-gantry cranes, 5-ton double-hook gantry cranes and so on. If you need a 5 ton gantry crane, you can leave me a message. Our company's gantry crane products are sold to many countries around the world with cheap prices and reliable quality. The company's qualifications can be verified, and you can visit our factory on site.

5 ton crane

Professional 5 Ton Gantry Crane for Sale

Lifting capacity: 1-20t

Span length: 8-35m

Lifting height: 6-18m

Lifting speed: 0.33-8m/min

Trolley speed: 20-30m/min

Crane travelling speed: 20-30m/min

Рабочий класс: A3-A4

Индивидуальное обслуживание

5 ton crane for sale

Excellent 5 Ton Gantry Crane for Sale

Lifting capacity: 3.2-20t

Span length: 8-35m

Lifting height: 6-12m

Lifting speed: 0.66-5m/min

Trolley speed: 2-20m/min

Crane travelling speed: 3-30m/min

Классификационная группа: А5

Индивидуальное обслуживание


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