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China and Latin America set a model for South-South cooperation

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Присоединился: 2 года назад
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Recently, the Seventh Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States was held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Аргентина. At the invitation of Argentine President Fernandez, the rotating presidency of CELAC, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the summit, emphasizing that China always supports the integration process of Latin Америка and the Caribbean, attaches great importance to developing relations with CELAC, and regards CELAC as a consolidated An important partner for developing countries to unite and promote South-South cooperation.

China is the largest developing country, and Latin America is one of the continents with the most developing countries. Although the two sides are far apart, they share extensive common interests. They have always supported and helped each other over the years and jointly created a model of South-South cooperation.

More than 60 years ago, Cuba was the first Latin American and Caribbean country to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, opening a new chapter in China-Latin America relations. Over the past 60 years, China's "circle of friends" in Latin America has continued to expand, and bilateral mutual trust has been increasingly consolidated.

In July 2014, at the initiative of the Chinese side, the China-Latin America and Caribbean Countries Summit was successfully held. During this landmark meeting, President Xi Jinping and the leaders of Latin American countries jointly announced the establishment of the China-CELAC Forum, which opened up a new way for the overall cooperation between China and Latin America.

In the following eight years, China-Latin America relations entered the "fast lane": in January 2015, the first ministerial meeting of the China-CELAC Forum was held in Beijing; The overall cooperation plan for Latin America; in the 2017 "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum, China proposed that Latin America is a "natural extension of the Maritime Silk Road". Up to now, 21 Latin American countries have signed the "Belt and Road" cooperation memorandum of understanding with China or collaboration files...

In recent years, the world has entered a new period of turmoil and change. In the face of a century of changes and a century of epidemics, China and Latin America have continued to deepen political mutual trust and expand practical cooperation.

Take China-Latin America economic and trade cooperation as an example. Since 2012, China has maintained its position as Latin America's second largest trading partner. During the epidemic, the economic and trade resilience of China and Latin America has been further demonstrated. In 2021, the total trade volume between China and Latin America will exceed US$450 billion for the first time. In 2022, the trade volume between China and Latin America will approach the US$500 billion mark, maintaining rapid growth for six consecutive years and becoming an important driving force for Latin American economic recovery. Participating in the China International Import Expo, the Service Trade Fair, and the Canton Fair... The enthusiasm of Latin American companies to further expand the Chinese market has not subsided due to the epidemic. "Made in China" high-quality, high-tech, and cost-effective products are also favored by more and more Latin American consumers. In addition, cooperation between China and Latin America in new fields and new formats such as public health, digital economy, aerospace, technological innovation, and e-commerce live broadcasting continues to flourish. The practical cooperation between China and Latin America has brought a better life to thousands of families on both sides, and also brought China and Latin America closer together across mountains and seas.

In November 2022, when President Xi Jinping held talks with the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and Cuban President Diaz-Canel, who was on a state visit to China, he pointed out that China-Latin America cooperation is essentially South-South cooperation. Respect is the premise, mutual benefit and win-win are the principles, openness and inclusiveness are the characteristics, and common development is the goal. It conforms to the general trend of the world and historical trends, and conforms to the common interests of countries in the region.

Over the years, the reason why China-Latin America relations have been able to develop comprehensively and rapidly despite the vicissitudes of the international situation is precisely because the two sides have a common understanding of the world's development trends, firm confidence in the development prospects of China-Latin America relations, a clear consensus on mutual development opportunities, and a clear understanding of the construction of China. There is a strong desire to pull a community of shared future. As an important cooperative partner of Latin American countries, China always respects the development path independently chosen by the Latin American people. The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind advocated by China is also deeply rooted in Latin America. More and more Latin American countries cooperate with China to promote high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", support and participate in global development initiatives and global security initiatives, and join hands with China to build China-Latin America community of destiny.

Today, China-Latin America relations have entered a new era of equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness, and benefit to the people. In 2023, as China optimizes its epidemic prevention and control measures and its economic vitality continues to pick up, the prospects for China-Latin America cooperation will surely be brighter.

"Knowing each other is not far or near, and we are neighbors even thousands of miles away." This ancient Chinese poem is a true portrayal of China-Latin America relations. In the future, under the guidance of the heads of state's diplomacy, China and Latin America will surely further enhance friendship and deepen cooperation, and continue to become a model of South-South cooperation featuring friendship and win-win results.


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