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Thailand may pass the Thailand-EU free trade agreement negotiation plan this month

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On Tuesday, Olaman, director of the Negotiation Office of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, said that Thailand will formally restart negotiations on a free trade agreement with the European Union. Thailand will complete the FTA negotiation plan with the EU in the next two weeks and submit it to the cabinet for consideration. If the negotiation plan is successfully approved by the cabinet, it means that Thailand will formally start negotiations on a free trade agreement with the EU. In the current draft plan, it is mentioned that future negotiations will cover intellectual property protection, trade rules, and cross-border taxation.

The EU is Thailand's fifth largest trading partner, after ASEAN, China, the US and Япония. In addition, Thailand will also speed up negotiations on free trade agreements with EFTA, Канада, Турция, и Шри - Ланка, and actively consider discussing the initiation of free trade agreements with Bahrain, Кувейт, Оман, Саудовская Аравия, Qatar, and the Объединенные Арабские Эмираты.


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