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Vietnam Releases Sustainable Utilization of Marine Resources Strategy

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1 users
(@эмили йоханссон)
Уважаемый Член Клуба
Присоединился: 2 года назад
Сообщения: 53
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The Vietnamese government recently issued a resolution approving the strategy for sustainable development and utilization of marine resources and marine environmental protection by 2030, as well as the vision for 2050.

According to Resolution 48/NQ-CP of April 3rd, Vietnam will effectively utilize marine resources to serve socio-economic development, significantly reduce marine pollution, protect marine biodiversity, and reduce the impact of natural disasters.

By 2030, marine resources will serve the tourism service industry, natural resource development such as oil and gas, aquaculture, renewable energy, and other marine economic sectors, improving living standards. Among them, 100% of hazardous waste and household waste in coastal cities are collected and treated to meet the standards, and all economic and industrial zones and coastal urban areas will be planned and constructed in a sustainable, ecological, intelligent, and climate adaptive manner. By 2050, marine resources will be effectively utilized, society and nature will coexist harmoniously, and Vietnam will become a maritime power.


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