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5 tons HD electric single-girder overhead crane for sale at RMB 12,000

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Single girder overhead crane is the most widely used type of crane, the price of this HD Однобалочный мостовой кран грузоподъемностью 5 тонн that we show today is 12,000 RMB, about 1760 US dollars. The price is cheap, welcome to consult for details. You can leave me a message here, or leave your contact information and crane parameters.

HD single girder overhead cranes are widely used in material handling occasions such as workshops and warehouses in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, petroleum, petrochemical, ports, railways, civil aviation, electric power, food, papermaking, building materials, electronics and other industries. It is especially suitable for occasions such as material handling that requires precise positioning, precision assembly of large parts, etc., and the working environment temperature is -25-40°C.

Тема была редактированна 2 года назад от Фицпатрик

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