Condra has delivered and installed the first three of six cranes ordered for a mining development

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Condra has delivered and installed the first three of six cranes ordered for a mining development

Condra has delivered and installed the first three of six мостовые краны ordered for a mining development in the Northern Cape, Южная Африка.

The overhead cranes were manufactured at Condra’s facility in Johannesburg, with the third overhead crane due to have been delivered in December 2017.

installed the first three of six overhead cranes

A further three overhead cranes for the project are in the design phase, and will be accompanied by four hoists and miscellaneous spreader beams, all produced by Condra.

The two overhead cranes already installed are мостовой кран с однобалкой весом 10 тонн units, ordered by the main structural steelwork contractor for the concentrator plant. The third overhead crane is a larger 40/8t dual-hoist двухбалочный мостовой кран unit with a span of 23m, and will be used for mill plant maintenance.

Condra’s affiliate company Transcon Hauliers supplied steerable dollies for transport to the site, as well as overseeing delivery and installation.

All three overhead cranes were manufactured with a lead time of 90 days, and produced to blanket technical specifications and quality control procedures stipulated by the mine developers.

Condra’s managing director Marc Kleiner said: “Hold points at various stages of manufacture allowed for layout inspections, magnetic particle inspections, ultrasound and X-ray inspections.

“There were also assembly inspections, blast profile inspections ahead of painting, and a final, dry film thickness inspection after the painting of each crane was complete.

“Production was halted at each of these hold points, which made meeting the lead times something of a challenge, but we nevertheless completed all three cranes on schedule. We are looking forward to having a little more time on the next three machines.”


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