HBC-Radiomatic adds Vietnam sales partner

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HBC-Radiomatic adds Vietnam sales partner

Manufacturer of wireless crane and machine controls, HBC-Radiomatic, has announced that its services are now available to customers in Вьетнам.

The company has partnered with Saigon Engineering Control, located in Ho-Chi-Minh City, which is now the authorised sales and service partner in the Southeast Asian country.

The employees and the manager Kent Nguyen of Saigon Engineering Control offer the emerging market a complete HBC-Radiomatic infrastructure from quotations to sales and customer service, the company announced.

International key account manager for HBC-Radiomatic, Karl-Heinz Günther, said: "The cooperation with Saigon Engineering Control is an ideal addition to our already successful representations in Asia. We are already active in Asia with representations in China, Индия, Малайзия, South Korea, Сингапур, и Таиланд. Together with our subsidiary in Osaka, Япония, which was founded in 2009, we cover almost the entire Asian market."

Günther added: "With the transition of long-time sales and service partners to the newly founded companies HBC-Radiomatic Великобритания and HBC-Radiomatic Южная Африка in 2011 and HBC-Radiomatic Финляндия in 2012, we are able to provide even better customer support in best HBC quality to our customers in the UK, South Africa, and Finland."

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