ГлавнаяГалерея Кейсов → HD Type 5 Ton Overhead Crane and MD Electric Wire Rope Hoist Sold to Cyprus in 2021

HD Type 5 Ton Overhead Crane and MD Electric Wire Rope Hoist Sold to Cyprus in 2021

Параметры закупки мостового крана HD

Electric Wire Rope Hoist procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2021.6.10
  • Lifting capacity: 3 ton, 5 ton
  • Высота подъема: 6 метров
  • Рабочее напряжение: 415v/50hz/3p
  • Order content: MD 3 ton Electric Wire Rope Hoist+MD 5 ton Electric Wire Rope Hoist
  • Exporting country: Cyprus

This is an order for overhead cranes and electric hoists to be sold in Cyprus in 2021. The customer purchased 2 sets of HD type 5 ton overhead cranes (without main girder), 1 set of MD type 3 ton electric wire rope hoist and 1 set of MD type standstill electric wire rope hoist from our crane factory. The HD type overhead crane is matched with the Европейский электрический канатный подъемник, which can improve the clearance utilization rate of the factory workshop. The order is for a construction site in Cyprus. We placed an order at the factory on June 15th, completed all production by August 9th, and shipped it to Cyprus on September 2nd, which took 2 months and 18 days. The atlas shows some details of European hoist and MD electric wire rope hoist and end beam in the factory. If you want to know more about HD overhead crane and the latest price of 5 ton overhead crane, please Связаться с нами.

Введение в Мостовой кран HD

Кран HD - это своего рода кран с низкой высотой подъема, обычно используемый в заводских цехах с небольшой высотой помещения, который может эффективно использовать высоту помещения и увеличивать высоту подъема.

The HD electric single-girder crane is independently developed and designed on the basis of introducing advanced European design and manufacturing technology and combining the latest domestic standards such as GB3811-2008 and JB/T1306-2008. The appearance is beautiful, and the driving mechanism adopts KONE three-in-one reducer (hard tooth surface reducer, frequency conversion brake motor), which is completely comparable to similar European products in terms of appearance and technical performance. Its superior performance is reflected in the mature application of modular design, frequency conversion speed regulation, automatic detection and other technologies, and various protection functions such as overload protection, overcurrent protection, and voltage loss protection make the electric single beam more perfect.

Электрический однобалочный кран HD подходит для работы в условиях окружающей среды рабочего уровня A3 ~ A5, при температуре рабочей среды -25 ℃ ~ +40 ℃, относительной влажности ≤85% и отсутствии легковоспламеняющихся, взрывоопасных или агрессивных сред. Грузоподъемность крана составляет 1-16 тонн, а пролет - 7,5-25,5 метров. Источником питания крана является трехфазный переменный ток с номинальной частотой 50 Гц или 60 Гц. Номинальное напряжение составляет 220 В ~ 660 В. Верхний и нижний пределы допустимых колебаний напряжения двигателя составляют ±10%, а внутренние потери напряжения крана составляют не более 3%.

Introduction to MD type two-speed electric hoist

MD type double-speed electric hoist is a light and small lifting equipment, which has the advantages of compact structure, light weight, small volume, strong versatility of parts, and convenient operation. It is mainly used to cooperate with single-girder bridge crane to pull items. The reducer adopts hard tooth surface transmission design, which has long service life and high mechanical efficiency. The motor adopts a conical rotor brake motor, with up and down two-way safety limit device.

The lifting speed of the CD1 electric hoist is normal speed, which can meet the general use requirements; the MD1 electric hoist has two lifting speeds: normal speed and slow speed. When working at a slow speed, it can meet the requirements of fine operations such as loading and unloading, sand box mold closing, and machine tool maintenance. Therefore, the range of use of the MD1 electric hoist is wider than that of the CD1 electric hoist.

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