Ireland Overhead Cranes Market Size, Trends, Analysis 2022

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Ireland Overhead Cranes Market Size, Trends, Analysis 2022

In 2021, the bilateral trade volume between China and Ireland exceeded US$20 billion for the first time, reaching US$22.95 billion. China-Ireland trade continued to maintain a high-speed development trend last year. The bilateral trade volume increased by 27.2% year-on-year. Among them, China's exports to Ireland were US$5.32 billion, an increase of 33.2%; China's imports from Ireland were US$17.63 billion, an increase of 25.5%. This proves the complementarity and huge potential of the bilateral economic and trade relations between China and Ireland.

As a global crane service provider located in China, Группа кранов Дунци has a deep concern for the development of China-Ireland trade. There is also some research on the crane market in Ireland. In this article we make some analysis of the Ireland Overhead Crane market size by researching some of the Overhead Cranes historical data

Некоторые вопросы о мировом рынке мостовых кранов

Before we start discussing the aerial crane market in Ireland, we have a few small questions that need to be answered first. Let’s take a look

  • Каковы крупнейшие рынки сбыта мостовых кранов на стационарной опоре в мире?
  • Каковы крупнейшие производители мостовых кранов на стационарной опоре в мире?
    • Китай (38 тыс. единиц) остается крупнейшей страной-производителем мостовых кранов в мире, на его долю приходится 24% от общего объема производства. Более того, производство мостовых кранов в Китае в два раза превысило показатели, зафиксированные вторым по величине производителем, США (18 тыс. единиц). Третью позицию в этом рейтинге заняла Индия (14 тыс. единиц) с долей 9%.
  • What are the leading suppliers of overhead travelling cranes on fixed support to Ireland?
  • What are the leading importers of overhead travelling cranes on fixed support from Ireland?
    • In value terms, Canada ($283K) remains the key foreign market for overhead travelling crane exports from Ireland, comprising 84% of total exports. The second position in the ranking was occupied by the UK ($538), with a 0.2% share of total exports.
  • What is the average export price for overhead travelling cranes on fixed support in Ireland?
    • The average overhead travelling crane export price stood at $67,073 per unit in 2019, picking up by 51% against the previous year.
  • What is the average import price for overhead travelling cranes on fixed support in Ireland?
    • The average overhead travelling crane import price stood at $36,136 per unit in 2019, rising by 10% against the previous year.

overhead cranes in Ireland

Ireland Overhead Crane Market Size

In 2020, the Irish bridge crane market fell -X% to $X for the first time since 2015, ending a four-year upward trend. Overall, however, consumption has shown a relatively flat trend pattern. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2014, which was an X% increase compared to the previous year. During the period under review, the market peaked at $X in 2019 before falling the following year.

Irish Overhead Crane Export Scale

In 2020, overseas shipments of fixed-support overhead cranes increased by X% to X units, the fourth consecutive year of growth after two years of decline. Overall, exports showed strong growth. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2019, with an X% increase compared to the previous year. During the period under review, exports peaked in 2020 and are expected to maintain growth in the short term.

Overhead crane exports surged to $X in 2020 by value. During the period under review, there was a significant increase in exports. The growth rate was most pronounced in 2019, with exports increasing by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, exports hit an all-time high in 2020 and will likely continue to grow in the near future.

Canada (X units) and the United Kingdom (X units) are the main destinations for Irish bridge crane exports. Among the major destination countries from 2007 to 2019, the most significant growth rate in shipments was the United Kingdom.

Canada ($X) remains the leading foreign market for Irish bridge crane exports by value, accounting for X% of total exports. In second place is the United Kingdom ($X) with X% of total exports. From 2007 to 2019, the value to Canada has grown at an average annual rate of +X%.

Однобалочный мостовой кран LD

Import scale of overhead cranes in Ireland

In 2020, after four years of growth, overseas purchases of fixed-support overhead cranes declined, with the number dropping -X% to X units. Overall, however, import growth was strong. 2014 saw the fastest growth, with imports increasing by X% year-on-year. Imports peaked at X units in 2019 before decreasing the following year.

Imports of overhead cranes shrunk to $X in 2020 by value. But overall, imports contracted suddenly. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2014, with an X% year-over-year increase. During the period under review, imports reached a record $X in 2007; however, from 2008 to 2020, import figures were slightly lower.

The UK (X units) and Sweden (X units) are the main suppliers of overhead cranes imported to Ireland. From 2007 to 2019, the largest increase was in the UK.

In terms of value, the UK ($X) and Sweden ($X) are the largest suppliers of overhead cranes in Ireland. As far as the major supplier countries are concerned, the UK recorded the highest growth rate in value of imports during the period under review.

Как сделать мостовой кран из Китая

Мы являемся производителем кранов, расположенным в Китае, и предоставляем услуги по кастомизации кранов заказчикам по всему миру. Если вы хотите настроить мостовой кран по индивидуальному заказу, вы можете оставить сообщение на веб-сайте или по электронной почте, сообщить нам следующую информацию, и наш менеджер по продажам свяжется с вами:

  • Грузоподъемность (тонна): __ ?( Номинальная грузоподъемность)
  • Высота подъема (м): __ ? (Высота от центра крюка до пола)
  • Пролет (м): __ ? (Расстояние между центрами рельсов)
  • Скорость подъема (м/мин): __ ? (Одинарная, двойная, переменная)
  • Расстояние перемещения (м): __ ? (Длина рельса)
  • Рабочее время: __ ? (Сколько часов в день? Сколько раз в час?)
  • Какой материал необходимо поднять: __ ?
  • Промышленное напряжение: __? (например: 380V, 50Hz, 3ph)

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