Poland Crane Market Study 2022

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Poland Crane Market Study 2022

The Polish crane market shrank sharply to $X in 2020, down -X% compared to the previous year. During the period under review, consumption decreased slightly. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2016, when the market capitalization increased by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, the market peaked at $X in 2019 and then declined significantly the following year.

In value terms, 2020 crane production is estimated to contract to $X at export prices. Overall, production has grown moderately. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2016, when production increased by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, production peaked at $X in 2019 before declining the following year.

Poland overhead crane

Polish crane export scale

Польша’s crane exports surged to X units in 2020, an increase of X% over the previous year. Overall, exports recorded significant growth. 2017 saw the fastest growth, with exports up X% year-on-year. During the period under review, exports hit a record high in 2020 and are expected to keep growing in the short term.

Crane exports fell to X dollars in 2020 by value. Overall, exports have grown strongly. 2012 saw the fastest growth, with an X% increase over the previous year. During the period under review, exports peaked at $X in 2018; however, from 2019 to 2020, exports were slightly lower.

Южная Африка (X единиц измерения), Германия (X единиц измерения) и Франция (X units) were the main destinations for Polish crane exports, accounting for X% of total exports. From 2007 to 2020, among the major destination countries, the most significant growth in shipments was South Africa (+X% per annum), while exports from other leading countries grew at a more moderate rate.

In terms of value, the США ($X) remains the main foreign market for Polish crane exports, accounting for X% of total exports. In second place is Австралия ($X) with X% of total exports. It is followed by Germany with an X% share.

From 2007 to 2020, the value to the U.S. has grown at an average annual rate of +X%. Exports to other major destinations recorded the following average annual export growth rates: Australia (+X% per annum) and Germany (+X% per annum).

Import Scale of Polish Cranes

In 2020, after two years of growth, overseas procurement of cranes and mobile cranes dropped significantly, with the number dropping -X% to X units. During the period under review, however, there was a modest increase in imports. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2011, when imports increased by X% year-on-year. During the period under review, imports reached the highest number of X units in 2019, followed by a significant decline in the following year.

Crane imports plummeted to $X in 2020 by value. But overall, imports continued to decline significantly. The most significant growth rate occurred in 2018, which was an X% increase compared to the previous year. Imports peaked at $X in 2008; however, from 2009 to 2020, import volumes have remained low.

Италия (X units), Germany (X units) and Австрия (X units) are the main suppliers of Polish crane imports, together accounting for X% of total imports. Latvia, Sweden, Дания и тот Нидерланды are slightly behind, collectively making up X increases from 2007 to 2020, with the largest increase being Latvia (+X% per annum), while other leaders experienced a more modest pace of growth in purchasing.

Germany ($X) is the largest crane supplier to Poland by value, accounting for X% of total imports. In second place is Italy ($X) with X% of total imports. It is followed by Austria with an X% share.

From 2007 to 2020, Germany’s average annual value growth rate totaled -X%. The average annual growth rates of imports for the remaining suppliers are as follows: Italy (-X% per annum) and Austria (+X% per annum).

Statistics of various crane suppliers in Poland

Germany ($38 million) is Poland’s largest supplier of cranes by value, accounting for 41% of total imports. In second place was Italy ($15 million), which accounted for 17% of total imports. It is followed by Austria with a 10% share.

In value terms, the United States ($112 million) remains the main foreign market for Polish crane exports, accounting for 26% of total exports. In second place was Australia ($32 million), which accounted for 7.4% of total exports. It is followed by Germany with a share of 5.9%.

In 2020, the average export price of cranes was USD 43,536 per unit, a decrease of -23.9% from the previous year.

In 2020, the average import price of cranes was US$32,684 per unit, an increase of 111% over the previous year.

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