ГлавнаяНовости → Single-girder crane truck track installation inspection record table

Single-girder crane truck track installation inspection record table

The single-beam crane truck track is the foundation for the smooth operation of the crane. In order to ensure the quality after installation, relevant inspections must be carried out. The editor has prepared a crane truck track inspection record sheet for your reference.

Crane trolley track installation inspection record sheet

Серийный номер Inspection content and requirements test result
1 The limit deviation value △S of the gauge of the cart shall not exceed the following values: when S≤10m, △S=±3mm; when
S>10m, △S=±[3+0.25×(S-10)] mm, but the maximum Not more than ±15mm.
2 The height difference between the two tracks is ≤10mm.
The bending in the vertical plane along the length direction, within the measuring length of every 2 meters ≤ 2mm.
3 Within the total length of the track, the lateral extreme deviation is 10mm
For horizontal bending along the length, the limit deviation within the measured length of every 2 meters shall not exceed ±1mm.
4 The deviation between the center of the track and the center of the track beam is less than or equal to 10mm, and is not more than half of the thickness of the web of the track beam.
5 The deviation of the actual center line of the track from the horizontal position of the installation reference line: 1) ≤5mm for electric single-beam cranes; 2) ≤3mm for beam suspension cranes.
6 The lateral level deviation of square steel and I-beam rails shall not exceed 1/100 of the width of the rails.
7 Rail joint height difference ≤1mm
Lateral misalignment of rail joints≤1mm
Gap between track joints≤2mm
The gap at the expansion joint of the track should conform to the design specification, and its allowable deviation is ±1mm
For square steel rails supported by spacers, the width of the spacers at the joints (along the length of the rail) should be doubled compared to other parts, and the two and more should be spot welded.
The joint positions of the two parallel rails should be staggered, and the staggered distance should not be equal to the gauge of the crane
When the rail joints are butt welded, the welding rods should meet the requirements of the rail base metal, the welding quality should meet the relevant regulations of electrofusion welding, and the top and side welds of the joints should be polished smoothly
There should be no shortage of bolts and pressure plates to fix the track. The pressure plates are firmly fixed, the bolts are not loose, the gaskets must not move, and square pads should be added under the concrete rail beams.


Track installation accuracy record of cart

Number of measuring points () 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Measured point direction( )
direction( )
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Note: 1. The measurement (length direction) is from () to (); the unit is mm.
2. Fill in “( )” with “east, south, west, north” orientation; or “sea side” or “land side”
3. The measurement points should be marked, and if the form is not enough, attach an additional page.
Construction unit inspector date
Supervisor date
Supervisory inspection work category B Supervisory inspection method □Data verification □On-site supervision □Physical inspection

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