Different Types of Material Handling Equipment and Applications

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Different Types of Material Handling Equipment and Applications

Overhead Cranes Supplier

1) Overhead Cranes: Cranes that are fixed in place and use an attached hoist to bear the load and achieve movability fall under this category. Overhead cranes are further divided into Single Girder and Double Girder, both variations of a crane used for heavy lifting. They are also divided into EOT and HOT cranes. EOT stands for Electric Overhead Travelling crane and Hoist One Track crane. EOTs are more commonly used where a lot of motion is required. They are characterized by a bridge joining two parallel load bearing beams. The bridge is where the hoist is mounted. While HOTs are less common and used specifically in maintenance and indoor settings. There are also gantry and semi-gantry cranes. Gantry cranes have two supporting structures on either side that fix them to the ground while semi-gantry cranes only have one such structure. This type of material handling equipment is commonly used in shipping yards and manufacturing plants.

2) Flame Proof Cranes: Cranes specially built for fire hazardous places such as petrochemical plants, oil refineries, and some manufacturing plants. They come equipped with fire retardant accessories and are made from materials that can retain their make and their durability even in the highest temperatures known in industrial environments. Most material handling suppliers provide them in both single and double girder variety.

3) Jib Cranes: Amongst all the different types of material handling equipment in the market, these are the most versatile cranes. They comprise of one horizontal member that hosts the hoist and can either be fixed or rotated as needed. This provides a wide range of motion and being fixed to the ground with one support component can bear quite heavy loads. All these advantages make Jib Cranes the most popular design of crane.

4) Hoists: Hoists are the mounts that are fixed to all of the material handling equipments mentioned above. Without hoists a crane would not function, in that it would not bear any load nor have much motion. Hoists are comprised of a hook, a wire rope or chain, and a motor that runs either on electricity or air (pneumatic) pressure. They can also be used manually in some cases where one pulls on the chain at one end and is able to lift heavy loads using relatively low force.



