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Overhead crane cab regulations

Location key for crane cabs

An open cab on the crane or enclosed insulated, air conditioned cab should be located in the best place for maximum visibility. OSHA also lays out specific requirements for clearance, lighting and fire safety.

OSHA 1910.179 Overhead & Gantry Cranes Regulations

The following excerpt is taken directly from OSHA 1910.179*

Cab location

  • The general arrangement of the cab and the location of control and protective equipment shall be such that all operating handles are within convenient reach of the operator when facing the area to be served by the load hook, or while facing the direction of travel of the cab. The arrangements shall allow the operator a full view of the load hook in all positions.
  • The cab shall be located to afford a minimum of 3 inches clearance from all fixed structures within its area of possible movement.

Access to crane

  • Access to the cab and/or bridge walkway shall be by a conveniently placed fixed ladder, stairs, or platform requiring no step over any gap exceeding 12 inches. Fixed ladders shall be in conformance with the American National Standard Safety Code for Fixed Ladders, ANSI A14.3-1956.

Fire extinguisher

  • Carbon tetrachloride extinguishers shall not be used.


  • Light in the cab shall be sufficient to enable the operator to see clearly enough to perform his work.

If your current cab isn’t meeting these standards – a modernization from Konecranes can provide you with a cab that can help increase safety with better sight lines and ergonomics and bring you into compliance.



