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How to Operate a Crane the Safest Way

In Great Britain, 147 workers succumbed to work-related accidents between 2018 and 2019. The construction industry has fatal injuries. Other sectors that involve lifting and moving equipment are also a threat to workers’ safety.

In an attempt to make work easier, many companies have adopted cranes. The use of cranes to lift and move loads is impressive. Yet, a crane can cause grave accidents leading to death and property damage.

How to operate an overhead crane

If you want to know how to operate a crane safely, you’re in the right place. Read this helpful guide to know more about safe crane operation.

1. Thorough Inspection

Pre-inspecting the work area, load, and equipment before starting the operation can promote crane safety. Check your equipment for any signs of wear or cracks on the booms and cables. Any equipment that has even slight damage shouldn’t be in service.

Inspect the operating functions every time you’re about to use your crane. Have the necessary repair when you identify a defect. You don’t have to wait for a problem to escalate.

You might also need to have an area check. Your crane should operate on level ground. Examine possible overhead hazards such as tall buildings that might disrupt the power lines or work area.

If there are distractions in the work area, it would be advisable to take extra caution. Crane operators need to be wary of problems such as electrocution. Ensure that you source an area that promotes the utmost safety for the workers and the neighborhoods.

2. Safe Working Load

Crane manufacturers set the safe working load, which guides the load rating. Having calculated the minimum breaking strength, crane manufacturers divide it by the safety factor to have an accurate SWL. The nature of the equipment and its anticipated roles determine the safety factor.

When you opt for mini crane hire, you can check the indicated maximum SWL to know if the different offers meet your needs. You can go for tracked cranes, crawler cranes, or star lifter cranes. The specifications should guide you on rigging and loading.

Overloading a crane can cause the slings to fray or break. As a resultant, an accident can occur, leading to fatal injuries and damage. If you adhere to the safe working load, you can prevent several crane accidents.

While at it, ensure that you balance your load well before moving. Everyone should be away from the crane when it’s lifting the crane.

3. Work With a Certified Operator

Crane operators in the กฤษ need to undergo a two-week training to know more about cranes. After the training, one gets a Construction Plant Competency Scheme (CPCS) license, which you can only use for two years. A crane operator gets a blue competence card after completing plant operations’ NVQ.

Getting a person who knows how to operate a crane is possible. However, it is recommendable to work with a certified contractor if you’re safety conscious. Accredited contractors have the theoretical and practical knowledge on how to operate a crane safely.

Cranes are massive and complex machinery that need specialized knowledge for safe operation. Workers working on the cranes should, therefore, have the expertise and knowledge of safety procedures.

4. Allocate Adequate Crane Operation Time

Despite knowing how cranes work, being careful when operating one should be a priority. Several crane accidents can be attributed to careless operators. Rushing through the work can make a worker forget some safety procedures.

Contractors ought to plan the operations so that they can have adequate time for crane inspection. The safety checks might take time. An operator who wants to be done with the operation might rush through the safety procedures, and missing a crucial step would not be a surprise.

Workers should know the importance of taking time to pre-inspect the equipment, load, and the state of the ground. The main agenda ought to be the safe completion of a task.

5. Avoid Distractions

Whether you’re working on the ground or operating the crane, being attentive and alert can prevent several crane accidents. Avoid any distractions as all the operations surrounding cranes require your full attention. One of the notable distractions is the use of a phone.

Your cell phone should be off when you’re operating the crane. A second of answering your phone or checking a message can lead to a severe accident. Your focus needs to be on the crane’s movement and the surrounding.

Workers can communicate using signal lights, radios, or air horns. The communication ensures smooth coordination of the operation.

6. Review Safety Cards

Operating cranes is complex. You might forget some procedures in the process. It is prudent to have a checklist where employees can confirm safety procedures.

Crane operators and other site workers can confirm the protocols each day before starting their shifts. You can have the safety cards on prominent locations for everyone’s view.

The checklist should include the procedure of checking different parts of the crane. It should also put more emphasis on maximum weight. The security measures ought to further outline the crane safety procedure after lifting the load.

7. Don’t Leave the Load Unattended

Once you use the crane lift, don’t leave the load suspended. The move is potentially hazardous. Strong winds can sway the load, causing it to tip over.

The falling load can injure other people and cause property destruction. It would be best if you put the load down once you’re done with the lifting. Store the stabilizers, crane, and other equipment in a safe place.

Workers need to report to the site supervisor in case of any issues. The supervisor should ensure that the crane doesn’t have a pending load as workers leave the site.

If You Know How to Operate a Crane Safely, You Can Avoid Injuries and Property Damage

Crane safety is a primary concern for players in the industries that use the equipment to lift loads. Working with a crane operator who doesn’t know how to operate a crane can be a risk to other workers and people near the site.

With the fatality manifested in crane accidents, it is vital to have a safety checklist to prevent crane accidents.

What is Crane operation safety

Crane accidents take a heavy and tragic toll each year in lives, serious injury, and/or property damage. The vast majority of crane accidents are the result of personnel error and in many cases can be avoided. Many of these incidents involve Marine Construction. From driving sheet piling for a simple bulkhead or seawall from land, piling for a dock structure or more hazardous yet, a crane mounted on a barge, working on a bridge project, cofferdam or other on-water structure.

Crane operation safety is the result of effective teamwork among operators, riggers, and crane walkers. In most accidents, a team member either performs an unsafe action or fails to perform a required safe action. In a vast majority of cases where team personnel are at fault, it is due to inattention, poor judgment, overconfidence, or haste to get the job done. The following brief writing prescribes basic crane safety procedures that every crane team member and/or operator may just want to thoroughly understand and constantly practice to avoid a potential accident.

Operating a crane can be a high-risk activity at a construction site. Beyond the potential for serious injuries or death, a crane accident can result in significant property damage and impact the project’s budget and schedule. Crane accidents also can harm a construction company’s brand and reputation.

Having a well-trained lift team can help mitigate, and possibly eliminate, some of the risks associated with using cranes. A safe lift depends on a number of people filling roles including operators, riggers, signal persons, crane owners, crane users, lift directors and site supervisors, and the communication between those people.

Making sure all members of the team are qualified to do their jobs should be a priority. Training can help increase the awareness of risk and jobsite safety associated with crane operations. Crane safety specialists can assist companies in educating employees — from the lift director to the operator and even those working nearby.



