กลับบ้านข่าว → Single Girder Crane Package and Transportation Service

Single Girder Crane Package and Transportation Service

Single Girder Crane Package and Transportation Plan meets the demands of storage, loading / unloading and Transportation, ensure single girder crane quality maintain its original condition.

Each shipment unit clearly marked shipping marks, such as single girder crane part name, dimensions, gross/net weight, center of gravity, lifting point, etc., and storage tag such as: careful handling, keep away from heat, keep dry, etc. Each shipment unit of Single Girder Crane accompanied by detailed packing list, shipping list and crane manufacturer certifications, etc.

Single Girder Crane Parts Wooden Packaging

Standard wooden case in the process of production and packing strictly under moisture proof, rustproof and shockproof treatment.

Single Girder Crane large part packing, between work pieces must be isolated and secured to avoid single girder crane parts friction and collision during handling and transport, and affect crane surface quality.

When Single Girder Crane Parts sealing, there must have a person responsible for packing quality, checking the wooden box, confirm whether the crane documents are available, otherwise it can not be sealing.

Single Girder Crane electronic control system cabinet packaging, put shockproof implants between wooden box and control cabinet, fixed the cabinet, and deal with damp-proof treatment.

Single Girder Crane Main Structure Packing

Single Girder Crane main structure with larger size and weight, transport precision require not high, it cannot be shipped in wooden box, but packed by high quality plywood crate and wove bags.

Single Girder Crane Parts Packing Classifications

Single Girder Crane each mechanism assembly, or mechanism parts, structural unit transportation part, track rails, etc., bundled protection, woven bags packaging.

Single Girder Crane wires, cables, electrical cabinets, instruments, electrical parts, after moisture proof and shockproof treatment, then put into wooden box.



