กลับบ้านข่าว → Why can’t the crane hook to be repaired by welding?

Why can’t the crane hook to be repaired by welding?

Because the hook once be repaired by welding, it is difficult to meet the principle of quality standards, the whole process of which includes melting, fusion, and curing, etc.

During repairing, due to the heat transfer effect, the basic part of the hook is affected by heating and cooling effect of different levels, just as heat treatment, resulted in the changes of formation and essence. What’s more, the welding is usually done on the wear and sag places of hook which is in a straight line with the vertical critical section.
The welding destroys the metal structure and metal fiber sequence of the hook, destroys the toughness of the hook, thereby reducing the performance of the hook and affecting the performance of the electric chain hoist.



