กลับบ้านข่าว → Crane chain types and maintenance

Crane chain types and maintenance

No matter what kind of lifting equipment, its accessories cannot be ignored, such as the chain of a crane. The chain of the crane is an important part of the lifting equipment. It plays an important role in the loading and unloading of goods. For example, adjust the length of the chain according to the height of the goods. The chain is not only an important reclaiming device, but also helps to expand the scope of lifting operations and improve work efficiency. This requires chain manufacturers to provide high-quality lifting chains, especially in terms of the safety factor of the chain.

According to the effect of the crane chain, it can be divided into: conveyor chain, drive chain, traction chain and some special chains. In the meantime, transmission chains are widely used, especially in lifting equipment. The transmission chain is very meaningful and has the effect of transmitting power and energy. The main function of the conveyor chain is to transport materials. The traction chain has the effect of traction and improvement. As mentioned earlier, some special equipment chains are also important links for special operation requirements. The strength and function of this special chain are much higher than the other chains mentioned above. Of course, its cost is higher than that of ordinary chain chains. Different chains meet different work requirements. The manufacturer reminds us that we should choose the chain according to our needs. The following points should be done in the maintenance of the crane chain:

1. The chain should be installed on the shaft without deflection and swing. In the same transmission component, the end faces of the two chains should be in the same plane. When the chain center distance is less than 0.5m, the deviation is 1mm; when the chain center distance is greater than 0.5m, the deviation is 2mm, and there will be chain side conflicts. If the two wheels are too large, the chain will fall off and accelerate wear. Pay attention to check and adjust the offset when replacing the chain.

2. The tightness of the crane chain should be appropriate. The tightness of the chain is as follows: lifting or pressing down from the center of the chain, the center distance between the two chains is about 2%-3%.

3. The standard of crane safety working chain is very high. The old lifting chain cannot be mixed with some new chains, otherwise, the chain will be broken due to impact during transmission.

4. Remember to add lubricating oil in time during work.

In summary, I hope everyone has a certain understanding of the concept, classification and protection of lifting chains, and can do a good job in the protection of the details. You are also welcome to contact the manufacturer to purchase lifting equipment.



