Driving wheel and other crane accessories sold to Indonesia in 2022

กลับบ้านคดีนี้แกลเลอรี่ → Driving wheel and other crane accessories sold to Indonesia in 2022

Driving wheel and other crane accessories sold to Indonesia in 2022

Crane accessories procurement parameters

  • Order time: 2022.1.17
  • Order content: 17139/2084 driving wheels 4+reducer gear 1
  • Piece weight scale: 51 * 36 * 50cm, 173kg
  • ส่งออกไปยังประเทศ: อินโดนีเซีย

This is the order for crane parts from Indonesia in 2022. The customer purchased 4 driving wheels and 1 reducer gear from our crane factory. The order was placed in the factory on January 17, the packing was completed on February 14, and the photo was sent to the customer for confirmation. Finally, we sent our products to Indonesia on July 8. The atlas shows some details of driving wheel and reducer gear in the factory. If you want to know more about crane accessories and the latest price of รถเครนเครื่องประดับโปรด ติดต่อพวกเรา.



