กลับบ้านข่าว → How does wire rope drum and sheave machining effect wire rope life?

How does wire rope drum and sheave machining effect wire rope life?

Wire rope life is dependent on the surface on which it is moves. In a typical crane or a hoist the Wire rope passes over Wire Rope Drum and Sheaves to make the fall arrangement.

The minimum diameter of the Wire Rope Drum and Sheave should be kept as 18 times the diameter of the wire rope for a class M5 duty crane. The more the diameter of the wire rope drum the better it is.

Machining of the Drum and sheaves also plays and important role in the life of the wire rope. Reva Hence uses Special purpose CNC Machine for machining of Wire Rope Drums and Sheaves.

As shown below the sheave groove radius should be maintained as mentioned in the standards. Also the pitch of the grooves and the grooving angle should be maintained .

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wire rope life



