กลับบ้านข่าว → Manual single girder crane installation inspection record

Manual single girder crane installation inspection record

Manual single girder crane is a small lifting equipment driven by hand. It can be used in occasions with inconvenient power supply and small lifting capacity. It is currently less used in production. After the manual single girder crane is installed, check and recording. The editor will share with you the manual single-beam crane installation inspection record sheet.

SH/T 3543-G802 Manual single girder crane installation
inspection record
Project name:

Unit name:

Equipment name Device Tag
Model number ความสามารถในการยก ton ช่วง m
Manufacturing plant ทำงานระดับ ความสูงในการยก m
Track length m Installation Location working environment
1626053637-4421-1-1Z21Q4421D08         1626053638-7608-1-1Z21Q4423Y24

Schematic diagram of detection part
unit: mm

รายการทดสอบ allowance Measured value in conclusion
Crane span S
The relative difference of crane span 1 และ 212
The relative difference between the diagonals ผม 1 และ ผม 2 | ผม 1ผม 2
The camber of the main beam F
in conclusion:
Construction team leader:

date: year month day

Professional Engineer:

Date: Year Month Day

Quality Inspector:

Date: Year Month Day

The installation inspection items of manual single-girder suspension cranes are similar to those of manual single-girder cranes, as shown in the following table:

SH/T 3543-G804 Manual single beam suspension crane
installation inspection record
Project name:

Unit name:

Equipment name Device Tag
Specification model ความสามารถในการยก ton ช่วง m
Manufacturing plant ทำงานระดับ ความสูงในการยก m
Track length     m Installation Location working environment
  1626053637-7734-1-1Z21Q44G2612            1626053638-1422-1-1Z21Q44K2N9

Schematic diagram of detection part
unit: mm

รายการทดสอบ allowance Measured value in conclusion
Crane span S
The relative difference of crane span 1 และ 212
The camber of the main beam F
The relative difference between the diagonals ผม 1 และ ผม 2 | ผม 1ผม 2
Curvature next to the main beam f
in conclusion:
Construction team leader:
date: year month day
Professional Engineer:
Date: Year Month Day
Quality Inspector:
Date: Year Month Day

Manual single-beam cranes must be checked during installation and use to ensure the safe operation of the equipment.



