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Overhead Crane Inspection Frequencies

Many maintenance supervisors and plant managers mistakenly think that they are in compliance with inspection standards if they have their crane equipment inspected once a year. This misconception can be costly and lead to fines and downtime if OSHA were to come on-site and issue citations after performing an audit. OSHA’s overhead crane inspection standards, as well as the ASME and CMAA standards, require three different types of inspections throughout the lifetime of the crane equipment:

Initial inspection – Any new, reinstalled, altered, repaired, and modified crane shall be inspected prior to initial use.

A new crane’s initial inspection shall be performed by a qualified OEM representative in accordance with OEM recommendations.

An altered, repaired, modified or reinstalled crane’s initial inspection shall be performed by a qualified person to assure that the modified component(s) have been properly installed and functionally tested.

Frequent inspection – A frequent inspection is a visual and operational inspection performed monthly or as often as daily. Inspection frequency is based on service, environmental, and application factors, as designated by a qualified person.

Below are guidelines for frequency of inspection based on ASME and CMAA overhead crane service classifications:


Periodic inspection – A periodic inspection is a detailed visual and operational inspection where individual components are examined to determine their condition. Inspection frequency can be quarterly to annually and is based on service, environmental, and application factors, as designated by a qualified person.

Below are guidelines for frequency of inspection based on ASME and CMAA overhead crane service classifications:


Manufacturer’s recommendations – In addition to the types of inspections listed above, any inspection provisions found in the manuals supplied by the manufacturer(s) of the crane and the crane components shall also be followed.



