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A 260t overhead crane designed to be used to assemble tunnel boring machines

A bridge crane designed for assembling tunnel boring machines usually has strong lifting capacity and a high degree of operational flexibility to adapt to the needs of assembling large machinery. It m[…]

Installation of new gantry cranes in the production factory of reinforced concrete pipelines

Gantry cranes are widely used in water conservancy projects. First of all, gantry cranes are often used in steel structure construction in water conservancy project construction, such as the hoisting […]

Prestressed concrete bridge manufacturer customizes 2 RTG cranes

Designing RTG cranes for use in prestressed concrete bridge manufacturing plants requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors such as lifting capacity, product diversity, work efficiency, […]

Cement manufacturer buys electric chain hoist for mold making

The electric chain hoist is a light and small lifting equipment with various movement modes such as lifting, lowering and luffing. It can be used alone or in combination, and can even be used as a hoi[…]

Nhà máy bê tông sử dụng dầm đôi và dầm đơn cao su lốp giàn cần cẩu

Recently, a concrete products company in the United States added a double-girder rubber tire gantry crane to their equipment. This equipment will be matched with another single-girder rubber tire gant[…]

Construction company purchases bridge crane and automatic hook to lift steel profiles

The case that Dongqi Crane will introduce today is that a global supplier of construction systems and materials uses automatic hooks with overhead cranes to lift steel profiles at two locations in eas[…]

Chinese crane companies expand influence in infrastructure sector

The China Railways Construction Corporation increased its budget to CNY720bn (US$116bn) in 2014, up from CNY700bn in 2013 and planned 48 new projects and the opening of 7,000km of new railway lines in[…]

British building products company custom-built winches used to upgrade production systems

With the acceleration of urbanization, the construction industry has developed rapidly. Whether it is building construction, bridge construction or road paving, a large amount of lifting and handling […]

Understand the crane load testing process through practical cases

After the crane is installed for the customer, various tests need to be carried out before it is officially put into use, and load testing is one of them. Load testing is a necessary step to ensure th[…]

Prefabricated Building Systems Company Customizes Bridge Cranes to Optimize Production Lines

The demand for overhead cranes in the construction industry is obvious. With the development of the times, new products have replaced old ones, and new working modes are constantly innovating on the o[…]

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